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After NO NEWS comes September Essays subscribe below.


NO NEWS letter is a monthly mail out consisting of a short block of text and visual art, subscribe below.


7. NO NEWS. My painterly tactics, this month I am writing about the physicality of paint, slides and grounds. Acting opposite to Rothko. The characteristics of watercolour, acrylic and oil. Joy, application and removal. Subscribe via my website..mail out 21st September. oil on paper, 24x28cm, 2023


6. NO NEWS it’s in the sun, the moon, and the stars. Born on the 8th of July? Yes me, Artemisia Gentileschi and Käthe Kollwitz. A Cancerian horoscope for the tortured painter and subsequent saver. Thoughts are not facts. Subscribe via my website for a teenage witchy art school astrological ambiance kind of thing, link in the bio…mail out 8th July. oil on paper, 24x28cm, 2023


5. NO NEWS May’s block of text is about capes that inspire, capes for protection capes for religion capes for pulling over a persons eyes capes for gooseberries surrealist capes witchy capes and king capes. And that’s Eleanor Antin’s ‘The King’… Subscribe via my website, link in the bio…mail out 21st May.

4. in this month’s NO NEWS block of text I am having a contextual think about sleeping with restrictions, and the film Invisible Adversaries by VALIE EXPORT, 1977. EXPORT makes her own rules. Chop chop. Subscribe via my website, scoll down…mail out 21st April

3. NO NEWS Lucas Cranach the elder, what’s not to like? This month’s block of text is about my love of his painting Adam and Eve. Nothing like a dip into the German Renaissance it literally does what it says on the tin. A royal religious icon of a painting, in the truest of traditional bloke art, kind of tabloid really. And I still love it. Not fashionable, I know. Subscribe via my website, scoll down…mail out 21st March.


2. NO NEWS this month is about green and greens. Hopeful and performative, a stationary story of exploration with the colour green. Bold and curious, the hills are sincerely alive. Subscribe via my website, scoll down…mail out 21st February.

1. NO NEWS I want to be free. I am free. Over the years decades of trying to be and being an artist you put in literally a lifetime of writing applications proposals statements bios cvs…it goes on and on. At some point over the last few years I began to enjoy it, I enjoy the dream yes, furthermore I enjoy this process of writing a block of text. This block becomes a thing, I read the thing over and over again, and I’m guessing that no one ever really reads those applications. You were never going to get the thing you were applying for because it was always mostly going to go to someone else. Apart from a few. I wrote an application for a residency at the Towner in 2022. This was just nice. They said write a short statement for three things you have enjoyed this year. I wrote about Billy Nomates, Musa Okwonga and Lisa Yuskavage. I got the thing. It was just joy all of it. Writing these short blocks of texts will form a no news letter, alongside the things I am making. Paintings, films and costumes. I will be creating a monthly email, subscribe via my website, scoll down..beginning 21st January with Pond Club/Swan Lake.

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© 2025 by Sara Kerry.

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